
Reandd Blaise




Head Cryptbound Headpiece 584
Neck Strapped Rescue-Keg 587
Shoulder Amice of Oblivion 571
Hands Corpseleecher Grips 571
Waist Reinforced Anti-Intruder Chainmail 584
Finger Experiment 08752's Band 571
Finger Devout Zealot's Ring 571
Trinket Conductor's Wax Whistle 571
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Ascension 577
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Gaze of the Waking Fist 515
Neck Ukhel Ancestry Beads 506
Shoulder Mantle of the Waking Fist 515
Chest Robes of the Ashen Grove 515
Hands Palms of the Waking Fist 515
Waist Bloody Dragonhide Belt 515
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 515
Finger Seal of Diurna's Chosen 506
Trinket Neltharion's Call to Dominance 522
Trinket Ashes of the Embersoul 515
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Feet
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Finger
Head Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Dracoif 467
Neck Eye of the Rising Flame 476
Shoulder Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace 463
Chest Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment 473
Hands Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards 463
Waist Soul-Torn Fury Cinch 450
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 476
Finger Luscious Leaf Loop 450
Trinket Nymue's Unraveling Spindle 463
Trinket Paracausal Fragment of Azzinoth 444
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Finger
Embellishment 2
Head Coif of Raging Tempests 359
Neck Petrified Fungal Spores 363
Shoulder Scaled Commencement Spaulders 346
Hands Gauntlets of Infused Earth 382
Waist Cinch of Raging Tempests 359
Finger Blaze Ring 366
Finger Circle of Ascended Frost 346
Trinket Lifeflame Ampoule 363
Trinket Irideus Fragment 359
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Cosmic Aspirant's Plate Helm 203
Neck Cypher-Etched Lavaliere 233
Shoulder Pauldrons of Brute Force 276
Back Netherfury Cape 244
Chest Cosmic Aspirant's Plate Chestplate 203
Wrist Sapsteel Vambraces 200
Hands Dimensional Numerus Handguards 233
Waist Fused Bone Greatbelt 178
Legs Greaves of the Shatterer 260
Feet Bloodsworn Warboots 260
Finger Salvaged Viperid Band 236
Finger Dominance Guard's Band 190
Trinket Misfiring Centurion Controller 187
Trinket Symbol of the Vombata 226
Main Hand Sargha's Smasher 266
Off Hand Ancient Protector's Pulverizer 226
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Hood of the Hidden Path 190
Neck Springrain Medallion 187
Shoulder Malodorous Gristle-Sown Spaulders 190
Back Springrain Cloak of Destruction 187
Chest Springrain Tunic 187
Wrist Springrain Bracers 187
Hands Springrain Grips 187
Waist Springrain Belt 187
Legs Springrain Leggings 187
Feet Springrain Treads 187
Finger Springrain Band of Destruction 187
Finger Springrain Ring of Destruction 187
Trinket Misfiring Centurion Controller 192
Trinket Springrain Stone of Destruction 187
Main Hand Springrain Stave 187
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Soulstarve Hood 104
Neck Eternal Will of the Martyr 94
Shoulder Amice of the Enlightened 98
Back Inherited Cape of the Black Baron 79
Chest Illidari Robe 54
Wrist Adorned Guardian's Bracers 86
Hands Cruel Vice Grips 86
Waist Dreadhide Girdle 101
Legs Illidari Leggings 54
Feet Brinewashed Leather Boots 95
Finger Illidari Band 54
Finger Illidari Ring 54
Trinket Unstable Elemental Confluence 100
Trinket Writhing Heart of Darkness 74
Main Hand Illidari Warglaive 54
Off Hand Illidari Warglaive 54
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Vicious Surge Faceguard 69
Neck Eternal Will of the Martyr 76
Shoulder Waylight Epaulets 57
Back Inherited Cape of the Black Baron 76
Chest Waylight Tunic 36
Wrist Gluttonous Wristwraps 41
Hands Adored Apprentice's Gloves 54
Waist Deceitful Agent's Belt 52
Legs Soulfeather Breeches 80
Feet Lightdrinker Boots 26
Finger Ritual Bone Band 51
Finger Death God's Signet 83
Trinket Swift Hand of Justice 76
Trinket Unstable Elemental Confluence 76
Main Hand Bonefused Crusher 54
Off Hand Gore-Smudged Gavel of the Peerless 52
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Heart-Lesion Helm 26
Neck Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed 26
Shoulder Heart-Lesion Pauldrons 26
Back Heart-Lesion Cloak of Battle 26
Chest Heart-Lesion Breastplate 26
Wrist Heart-Lesion Vambraces 26
Hands Heart-Lesion Gauntlets 26
Waist Heart-Lesion Girdle 26
Legs Heart-Lesion Legplates 26
Feet Heart-Lesion Sabatons 26
Finger Heart-Lesion Band of Might 26
Finger Heart-Lesion Ring of Might 26
Trinket Swift Hand of Justice 26
Trinket Unstable Elemental Confluence 26
Main Hand Heart-Lesion Runeblade 26
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2