
VoXie jojobard


Aggra (Português), EU (1) Retail English



Head Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Dracoif 476
Neck Cold Crisp Collar 460
Shoulder Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace 463
Chest Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment 467
Hands Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards 470
Waist Soul-Torn Fury Cinch 483
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 482
Finger Band of Twisted Bark 467
Trinket Vessel of Skittering Shadows 470
Trinket Coagulated Genesaur Blood 463
Off Hand Ancestor's Necromantic Focus 473
Embellishment 1
Adaptive Stonescales on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Rallied to Victory on Legs
Head Drowsed Shepherd's Hood 454
Neck Perennial Pompon Pendant 437
Shoulder Veil of Turning Leaves 467
Hands Raven's Veil Gloves 441
Waist Fearless Faerie's Belt 437
Finger Band of the Abyssal Lord 454
Finger Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal 460
Trinket Madness of the Betrayer 454
Trinket Coiled Serpent Idol 457
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Underlight Conjurer's Arcanocowl 431
Neck Elemental Lariat 437
Shoulder Underlight Conjurer's Aurora 441
Hands Underlight Conjurer's Gloves 441
Waist Underlight Conjurer's Charmbelt 441
Finger Seal of Questionable Loyalties 447
Finger Scalebane Signet 437
Trinket Naraxas' Spiked Tongue 441
Trinket Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows 441
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Head Heartfire Sentinel's Forgehelm 421
Neck Elemental Lariat 395
Shoulder Heartfire Sentinel's Steelwings 428
Hands Keeper's Iron Grips 421
Waist Seal of the Defiant Hordes 415
Finger Crystallized Droplet 402
Finger Onyx Annulet 417
Trinket Manic Grieftorch 411
Trinket Decoration of Flame 389
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Head Godstalker's Sallet 255
Neck Unfathomable Pendant 226
Shoulder Scouring Enigmatic Epaulets 233
Back Duplicating Drape 278
Chest Godstalker's Hauberk 262
Wrist Anthemic Bracers 226
Hands Enigmatic Gauntlets 233
Waist Clasp of Unity 265
Legs Techno-Coil Legguards 262
Feet Shadowscale Treads 262
Finger Salvaged Viperid Band 246
Finger Death God's Signet 262
Trinket Gemstone of Prismatic Brilliance 246
Trinket Scars of Fraternal Strife 259
Main Hand Burnished Arbalest 226
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Oathsworn Helm 187
Neck Oathsworn Pendant 187
Shoulder Oathsworn Pauldrons 187
Back Oathsworn Cloak of Battle 187
Chest Oathsworn Breastplate 187
Wrist Oathsworn Vambraces 187
Hands Oathsworn Gauntlets 187
Waist Oathsworn Girdle 187
Legs Oathsworn Legplates 187
Feet Oathsworn Sabatons 187
Finger Oathsworn Ring of Might 187
Finger Oathsworn Band of Might 187
Trinket Oathsworn Idol of Battle 187
Trinket Oathsworn Stone of Battle 187
Main Hand Oathsworn Headchopper 187
Off Hand Oathsworn Greataxe 187
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Communal Hood 187
Neck Communal Necklace 187
Shoulder Communal Shoulderpads 187
Back Communal Cloak of Wisdom 187
Chest Communal Vestments 187
Wrist Communal Wristwraps 187
Hands Communal Handwraps 187
Waist Communal Cord 187
Legs Communal Leggings 187
Feet Communal Sandals 187
Finger Communal Band of Wisdom 187
Finger Communal Ring of Wisdom 187
Trinket Communal Idol of Wisdom 187
Trinket Communal Stone of Wisdom 187
Main Hand Communal Staff 187
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Springrain Hood 163
Neck Springrain Necklace 163
Shoulder Springrain Shoulders 163
Back Springrain Cloak of Wisdom 163
Chest Springrain Jerkin 163
Wrist Springrain Bindings 163
Hands Springrain Gloves 163
Waist Springrain Waistband 163
Legs Springrain Britches 163
Feet Springrain Boots 163
Finger Springrain Band of Wisdom 163
Finger Springrain Ring of Wisdom 163
Trinket Springrain Idol of Wisdom 163
Trinket Springrain Stone of Wisdom 163
Main Hand Springrain Staff 163
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Skullguard 110
Neck Heart of Azeroth 155
Shoulder Mantle of the Insatiable Maw 95
Back Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve 133
Chest Vest of Reverent Adoration 88
Wrist Wristwraps of the Insatiable Maw 95
Hands Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Gloves 85
Waist Girdle of the Insatiable Maw 85
Legs Gravethorn Breeches 80
Feet Footguards of the Insatiable Maw 95
Finger Spearfisher's Band 80
Finger Corrupted Aspirant's Ring 82
Trinket Corrupted Gladiator's Insignia 85
Trinket Corrupted Gladiator's Safeguard 85
Main Hand Corrupted Aspirant's Warglaive 82
Off Hand Corrupted Gladiator's Chopper 95
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Communal Hood 85
Neck Communal Necklace 85
Shoulder Communal Shoulderpads 85
Back Communal Cloak of Wisdom 85
Chest Communal Vestments 85
Wrist Communal Wristwraps 85
Hands Communal Handwraps 85
Waist Communal Cord 85
Legs Communal Leggings 85
Feet Communal Sandals 85
Finger Communal Band of Wisdom 85
Finger Communal Ring of Wisdom 85
Trinket Communal Idol of Wisdom 85
Trinket Communal Stone of Wisdom 85
Main Hand Communal Staff 85
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2